
a lot of special help^but^ she is pretty dense. Like everyone, _
she has her good moments,but not very often.It’ s her stupidity
that everyone like s her for* She knows that toa,and that * s v/hy_
she never does anything about it,In her words,'I’d rather be stupid and have a lot of friends then be smart and have■ -everyone
hate me,’I never bothered to analyze-'- -that statement like I- - do_
everything else,Once,in one of her goo-d moments,Linda solved a two- minute mystery-*It was great for her,but she never stopped smiling about it,She even went so far a-s to tell the teacher and see if she could solve it,That made the whole class crack up.
Even Don- Preston,who. never laughs at any thing,Don Preston isn’t
that smart either,.but he doesn’t ever think* about it,Which may_
be part of- his problem,If you saw him,you’d think he was a loser,_
and you’d be-right,That' s why everyone got their socks knocked o-ff when he made seven foul shots in basketball,Tho school re-
cord is 6^9*hut that didn’t stop him from acting like a jerk a-_
bout it,As soon as he got in the classroom,he started drawing out a mathematical analysis of how and why* his shots go in the basket.The teacher tore it up thinking it was a drawing of a ______
boat.Dan doesn’t stand out in our class like almost everyone __
else does.Most people have some sort of hobby that no one else _
has that makes them recognized in the class.Don wasn't that, bright, hut it wasn’t as remarkable, as Linda Schotoe’s dumbness,William was so smart that no one else ever came close.Don’s girlfriend,
Wendy Cra>ss,was so great looking,that guys couldn’t seem to pull___
away from her at parties.Tfaat’s what gave Don a whirapy reputation,He never got in the way when someone tried to make a pass at her,Whenever the lonely guys went after her drooling,he would
usually look the other way and pretend he was talking, to. some-__
one,He couldn’t help it,but everyone, seemed to, forget about her and Don*Now,no one ever makes kention of him or how weak he is.
They really don’t make a good pair,at least physically,because she was so great looking and he was pretty ugly,She sais he’s a great guy,but no, one, including me, seems to, under stand. To each his own—Iguesstout she's got something going for her,she's very pretty, -___
- Author
- mark thomas